ExcludedUK CIC
We are a non-profit NGO founded on the principals of fairness and equality in providing support for the estimated 3 million people excluded from meaningful support and denied access to the Government COVID-19 Support schemes.
How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?
We have built a dedicated programme of support for our members to provide urgent 121 counselling sessions to those who need it. We are very aware of an urgent mental health crisis within our community as more time passes for them where they remain unsupported by the Government support schemes.
What are your current priorities?
Continuing to provide urgent support by way of fundraising to pay for sessions.
Developing further a programme of support to help those who need support within 24 hours.
Training our volunteers to help deal with those who need support throughout the community.
What challenges are you currently facing?
The volume of enquiries is increasing significantly as weeks go on. We sometimes struggle to deal with the people who need urgent support.