Local Suicide Prevention Planning: A Practice Resource (Sept 2020)
Suicide prevention remains a national priority. At a local level it is encouraging to see that all Local Authorities have suicide prevention action plans and multi-agency partnerships in place; testament to the hard work of our colleagues in local authority public health teams and their local partners.
In 2020 we worked with Public Health England to update and refresh the comprehensive guidance which directly supports the Government’s ongoing strategy for England, Preventing Suicide in England: A Cross Government Outcomes Strategy to save Lives along with recommendations taken from Five Year Forward View for Mental Health.
This guidance is to be read alongside other PHE guidance, including: Identifying and responding to suicide clusters and contagion and Preventing suicides in public places. It aims to support the commitment and capability that we know exists in public health, local government, health services, primary care and the voluntary sector.
The resource includes guidance on:
• The national context for a focus on suicide prevention
• Building a partnership approach
• Making sense of national and local data
• Developing a suicide prevention strategy and action plan
• Evidence and ideas for action