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An introduction to the nRTSSS and associated report

About the webinar:

An informative webinar with Cam Lugton, Programme Lead for Mental Health Intelligence Network, Department of Health and Social Care, who provided an introduction to the nRTSSS and its associated report.

We explored how the report’s information can be used alongside ONS data on registered deaths by suicide, to increase understanding of national trends in suicide data and how this can be used locally.

Lorna Fraser, Head of the Media Advisory Service at Samaritans, then gave an overview of Samaritans’ Media Guidelines and the importance of responsible use of data in communications and media.

Aims of the session:

– To increase awareness of the near to Real-Time Suspected Suicide Surveillance (nRTSSS) and associated public report. 

– To aid understanding of what the system is, and is not, and how the reports are put together. 

– To increase awareness of the system as a tool for understanding national trends in suicide data and how this can be of use at a local level. 

– To aid understanding of how nRTSSS data can be used alongside ONS data on registered deaths by suicide. 

– To increase awareness of Samaritans’ Media Guidelines 

– To aid understanding on the importance of responsible use of data in communications and media 

This webinar is for non-experts in suicide data and statistics working in suicide prevention, who would like to better understand nRTSSS data and how it can aid local suicide prevention work.

Presenters: Cam Lugton, Programme Lead, Mental Health Intelligence Network, Department of Health and Social Care; and Lorna Fraser, Head of Media Advisory Service, Samaritans.

The slides and recording of this session are now available: