Preventing suicide together
Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. The National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) is an alliance of public, private and voluntary organisations in England who care about suicide prevention and are willing to take individual and collective action to reduce suicide and self-harm, and support those bereaved or affected by suicide.
Language Matters
For World Suicide Prevention Day 2024, we’re inviting everyone to start the conversation and rethink how they talk about suicide to help tackle stigma.
Lived Experience Network
Lived experience underpins our work. With our Lived Experience Network, we are striving to embed lived experience in all suicide prevention activity and ensure it is valued, respected, and seen as legitimate.
Our resources hub
Explore resources for people working in suicide prevention and supporting those affected by suicide.
Join the NSPA
Join our alliance of over 2000 organisations and individuals to connect, collaborate and take action.