Bassetlaw Placed Based Partnership
We are a partnership of health, care, and VCSE sector organisations based within the district of Bassetlaw. We are based within the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire NHS ICB. We work collaboratively to develop and deliver community service transformation, bringing primary, social and community health services together to improve outcomes. We also develop population health management. This includes understanding health needs and targeting interventions where they are most needed (health equity). We support general practice, including the development of additional and new roles. We enable and help to coordinate the development of PCNs, incorporating local community partners. We implement health interventions that improve inequalities. We work with the ICB to integrate NHS and local government services and funding where this will improve outcomes. We come together as partners with communities to co-design services and help to make citizens’ lives better.
Our work in suicide prevention
Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership launched a suicide Prevention Alliance in July 2022. The key actions from this and next steps for Bassetlaw include establishing a steering group to develop and implement a collaborative, clear and robust Suicide Prevention Action Plan based on the recommendations and local pledges from the alliance launch which include:
> Mandatory ZSA suicide prevention training at workplaces, working with ZSA and public health to monitor completion of this training from Bassetlaw partners. -ZSA, mental health and mental health first aider training mandated in contracts across all place partners- including planning teams commissioning building and construction contracts.
> Continuing with the Suicide Prevention Small Grants scheme and community-based initiatives.
> We are in on-going conversations with the R;pple developers and public health exploring how to develop and implement a bespoke version of this tool. This would initially be for Bassetlaw as a pilot and then the ICS, pending approval.
At an ICB level we have had agreement that the Zero suicide Alliance, Suicide Prevention Training will be added as mandatory for all ICB staff across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. We are also working towards including requirements for suicide prevention training to be part of training in services commissioned by the ICB in addition to any commissioned locally across Bassetlaw.
Our current priorities
> Take action to prevent suicides and mental ill-health.
> Raise awareness and reduce the stigmas that surround suicide and mental ill health through a Bassetlaw wide communications strategy.
> Raise awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death.
> Provide information and support for people experiencing mental ill health.
> Encourage partners to make at least one pledge during the month-long awareness campaign.
Our current challenges
Our challenge at Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership is the increased risk due to cost of living crisis.