Baton of Hope UK

Baton of Hope is about opening up a national conversation about suicide to help eradicate stigma. An annual tour with the Baton of Hope takes place to create unity within the suicide prevention community. We have created “Charters” for the workplace and education highlighting best practice in suicide prevention and we’re establishing a gold-standard “kitemark” recognising employers who demonstrate such best practice.

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Our work in suicide prevention

At Baton of Hope, we promote transparency and openness so that discussion and conversation about suicide is “normalised”. We encourage the media to prioritise suicide in true relation to it’s magnitude as a societal issue. We Tour the UK with a Baton as a symbol of hope that society can create change and create awareness in education and the workplace through charters which indicate best practice in suicide prevention.

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Our current priorities

We want to raise awareness of the magnitude of the issue and the idea that we all have a responsibility and can help to save lives. We are encouraging people and organisations within the suicide prevention field to speak with one voice. We are also expanding the charter programme, as well as organising the next UK tour of the Baton.

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Our current challenges

Our current challenges are attracting funding, and monitoring and responding to the volume of interest in what is a newly formed initiative. 

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