Derbyshire Law Centre
Derbyshire Law Centre is a not-for-profit community legal practice that has been operating since 1989. We provide specialist, confidential legal advice for individuals and groups across Derbyshire. We aim to provide equal access to justice for all sectors of the community, the provision of specialist legal services including: Debt, Employment, Housing including homeless prevention, Immigration, One-to-one Personal Navigator services including an in-house Adult Social Worker and Volunteering opportunities.
Our work in suicide prevention
Our organisation contributes to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it by hosting a number of one to one support projects such as Opportunity and change, a project with a in house adult social worker and care act team with the aim of helping individuals with complex needs and mental health back into employment, volunteering or training. This project also puts individuals in contact with social services or mental health teams for further support. We also host a money advice service within our debt team and a homeless prevention team where the individual will be provided with support, referred to relevant agencies and will be seen by the in house social worker if needed or referred into support services. The Law Centre housing team also pride themselves on saving vulnerable individuals from eviction and homelessness.
Our current priorities
– Ensuring that individuals with complex needs are supported to access the correct support.
– Advocating on behalf of vulnerable adults to stop eviction or discrimination.
– The mental health of all of the law centre staff.
– Up to date staff training and CPD in relation to mental health and suicide prevention.
Our current challenges
– Vulnerable individuals are not coming forward to seek support.
– Waiting lists to access support that is needed is very high.
– Vulnerable adults have complex needs making it difficult to maintain their engagement in the process and/ or project.