
Eudemonics is a mental health and wellbeing consultancy, providing a range of services for some of the nation’s most sensitive security and infrastructure agencies. We also support business, by applying our knowledge and experience of mental health within a business continuity context.

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Our work in suicide prevention

The role of Eudemonics regarding suicide prevention supporting those bereaved by suicide are:

– Effectivey resolving psychological trauma in individuals by using truly evidence-based and purely person-centred interventions

– Championing trauma-informed education & development programs for organisations involved in suicide prevention

– Challenging the status quo in UK mental health provision, which we believe is failing those enduring mental anguish, therefore resulting in unnecessary suicides

– Conducting ethical and robust research into psychological trauma and in order to understand the suicide process and how we may intervene more effectively.

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Our current priorities

We plan to support any 3rd sector organisation who supports those at risk of, or those affected by suicide, by providing specialist interventions to their service users/clients, support the psychological well-being of those bereaved by suicide with the provision of our specialist mental health intervention. And provide interventions to at risk groups, particularly those with an armed forces or emergency services background.

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Our current challenges

– Current mental health provision in the UK is not sufficient or effective

– Too much emphasis on funding  for ‘awareness’ programmes by large charities and not enough resource allocation to actual credible research into suicide and its potential cause(s)

– A lack of a trauma-informed perspective on human behaviour such as self harm.

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