
Geek.Zone is the community for geeks! We come together through our shared interests, so no matter what your hobby or passion is, you are sure to find likeminded people at Geek.Zone. We are not-for-profit, so you know that every penny helps to build the community, not a fat cat. Geek.Zone provides a safe space where knowledge, passion and curiosity are freely expressed and encouraged. We run events, where individuals can enjoy exciting, new experiences and make great, new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. We are here to fight for the right to be ”geek”.

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Our work in suicide prevention

We help to prevent suicide by making members comfortable in our community and giving them a reason to stay alive. Having a positive, supportive social network around us is a major factor in mental health, so that is what we provide.

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Our current priorities

Building a community that gives members somewhere to belong and IRL friends to turn to in the good times and the bad.

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Our current challenges

We are seeking funding to open Geek.Zone/01

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