Haringey Suicide Prevention Group
The Haringey Suicide Prevention Group (HSPG) is the inter-agency group that steers the suicide prevention strategy for the London Borough of Haringey, coordinating local action planning to reduce deaths from suicide and to support those affected by suicide, overseeing data and intelligence on suicide and liaising across agencies. The group has broad membership from statutory and non-statutory organisations involved in suicide prevention including: Haringey Public Health, the CCG, BEH-Mental Health Trust, GPs, Haringey Council, the coroner’s court, Haringey police and British transport police, youth, housing and other services, local charities and MPs. We also have a large number of members with lived experience, bringing vital experiential knowledge to the group.

Our work in suicide prevention
HSPG brings together individuals, groups and agencies working to prevent suicide, raising the profile of the issue of suicide, self-harm and bereavement by suicide within LB Haringey, and sharing knowledge and coordinating activities to prevent suicide.
HSPG also works closely with Public Health in Haringey to produce a local Suicide Prevention Action Plan. The group’s role is to monitor the implementation of the plan through its quarterly meetings and review suicide prevention needs, gaps and opportunities.
Our meetings also provide an opportunity for different agencies to share experiences, to be informed about existing and emerging evidence-based interventions relevant to the specific conditions of Haringey, and otherwise to learn about initiatives and lessons from wider suicide prevention networks, and to forge productive connections across agencies, as well as to feed into national policy debate on the prevention of suicide.

Our motivation for joining the NSPA
A key part of HSPG’s work is connecting with organisations working in suicide prevention and beyond to understand trends, gain and disseminate knowledge, and piece together a complex picture of suicide prevention. Being part of NSPA really provides a platform with which to do this work.

Our areas of expertise
We have great experience understanding and connecting local and national data on suicide, as well as developing local infrastructure organisations.