Healthcare Conferences UK

Healthcare Conferences UK organises and produces high quality healthcare CPD certified conferences and exhibitions with a specialist interest in a clinical audience. Our events support knowledge sharing and professional development and take a practical approach to learning through case study based best practice. Our aim is to support improvement in quality, patient care and outcomes.

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Our work in suicide prevention

We run conferences focusing on suicide prevention, self-harm, mental health crisis care and depression.  All programmes involve patients, service users, families and those with lived experience sharing their experience with health care professionals and service providers to improve mental health care and services.

“It was the most informative conference I’ve attended, so thank you very much. It really will make a difference. I’m now in touch with some of the key people that can make such a difference to how we approach mental health and reduce suicide.”

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Our current priorities

To continue to produce suicide prevention programmes and raise awareness of campaigns such as towards zero suicide, national policy and local examples of best practice.

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Our current challenges

Engaging audiences when training budgets are low and time is short.

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