Isle Listen

Isle Listen provides mental health support and services across the Isle of Man, with a focus on early intervention and prevention. Our core aim is to improve access to psychological support for young people up to the age of 25, providing support at the point of need in order to improve their life transitions and support them in achieving their full potential.

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Our work in suicide prevention

We deliver our work via a multi-pronged approach, incorporating evidence-based educational programmes across all the Island’s primary and secondary schools, a confidential one-to-one listening service for young people in secondary schools, and a clinical therapeutic service for those with a higher level of need. Running in parallel with our direct work with young people, we also work with parents, teachers and the wider island community to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and develop more supportive networks and communities.

Our combination of accessible early intervention services and an engaging and age appropriate education programme supports:

> Quicker professional support for those experiencing suicidal thoughts or ideation, or who have known risk factors.

> Early identification of lower level mental health issues, reducing the risk these will escalate.

> Improved coping skills and emotional resilience, helping people to deal with difficult feelings in a more structured and healthier way and building lifelong mental health literacy.

> Destigmitisation of mental health, encouraging people to have conversations about all aspects of mental health.

> Reduced demand on higher level or crisis services, allowing them to better serve those who need this level of support.

While our aim is to reduce the number of people on the Island who reach the stage of suicidal ideation, the need for young people’s mental health support on the Isle of Man means we are also actively supporting a number of young people experiencing suicidal thoughts and ideation through our therapeutic services.

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Our motivation for joining the NSPA

We know the importance of collaboration, sharing of ideas and knowledge and being part of wider conversations around mental health.

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Our areas of expertise

> Mental Health education for all ages (from 4 to 94)

> A listening service, delivered in schools, for 11-18 year olds based on the principles of CBT.

> A higher level specialist therapeutic service for those up to the age of 25 encompassing evidence-based psychological therapies including CBT, EMDR, Talking Therapy and Person-Centred Counselling.

> Our secondary arm, Minds Matter, provides psycho-oncology services, as well as psychological support for those with long-term conditions, through individual therapies and group work.

Isle Listen and Minds Matter are registered trading names of MCH Psychological Services which is a registered organisational member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

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