Kent County Council

Kent County Council (KCC) is a top-tier local authority in the South East of England with a wide range of responsibilities and services covering the following services, social care, education, public health, transport, the environment (amongst many more). KCC’s Suicide Prevention programme is lead by its Public Health team which gives regular updates to elected members, cabinet committees and senior management teams about the programme.

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Our work in suicide prevention

Our Public Health team chair and co-ordinate the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention multi-agency Steering Group.

This involves leading the development and implementation of the Kent and Medway 5-year Suicide Prevention Strategy. The Strategy and associated action plan contains a wide variety of measures to prevent suicide and support those who are affected by it.

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Our current priorities

Rolling out the 2021-2025 Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Strategy.

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Our current challenges

As well as continuing to invest in a range of suicide prevention initiatives we will also be strengthening our system leadership efforts to ensure we “bend the mainstream” so that clinical pathways, organisational practice, systems and structures are all working to identify high risk individuals, increase safety and save lives.

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