Leicestershire Police
Police force based in the East Midlands covering a three authority area of Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. We are currently developing the local strategic direction for suicide prevention across LLR.
How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?
We are often the first responders to incidents of sudden death, which could be a suicide. This can often mean advising next of kin and making them aware the death may have been be self-inflicted. We refer people who are bereaved, to help ensure they are offered support from the most appropriate agencies.
What are your current priorities?
• To develop and form the local strategic direction for suicide prevention across LLR
• To Influence commissioning responsibilities and structures across the wider partnership in LLR to ensure that opportunities to prevent suicide are optimised
• To encourage local partners to work individually and collaboratively to deliver the National Suicide Prevention Strategy
• To promote collaborative arrangements across LLR and where appropriate to establish task and finish groups to complete reviews and develop commissioning plans for specific service areas
• To encourage responsible reporting of suicide in the media
• To promote mental well-being in the wider population
• To engage with commissioning organisations, such as Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Authorities and others.
What challenges are you currently facing?
Complete rollout of bereavement services