National Centre for Suicide Prevention Training

The National Centre for Suicide Prevention Training UK, formed in 2011, is the UK’s only provider of internationally recognised accredited qualifications in suicide prevention. We are the UK’s sole designer and developer of the national statutory qualification in suicide prevention: Suicide First Aid through Understanding Suicide Interventions.

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Our work in suicide prevention

– We provide excellence in workforce and community learning & development solutions, promoting evidence based suicide prevention programmes to those who need them the most, empowering communities and individuals to respond compassionately and appropriately to people at risk of suicide.

– We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding of suicide as a community health problem.

– We promote international partnerships with other suicide safer initiatives.

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Our current priorities

“Dedicated to Positive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Education”

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Our current challenges

Lack of funding / priority being given to suicide prevention training. Lack of co-ordinated approach to suicide prevention across England.

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