National Probation Service – London

The National Probation Service is a statutory criminal justice service that manages offenders under probation supervision who have been assessed as presenting a high risk of harm to others. The NPS work with around 30,000 offenders a year, supporting their rehabilitation while protecting the public. Our priority is to protect the public by the effective rehabilitation of high risk offenders, by tackling the causes of offending and enabling offenders to turn their lives around. The National Probation Service was set up on 1 June 2014, along with 21 community rehabilitation companies (CRCs) that manage low and medium risk offenders. We work in partnership with the CRCs, with the courts, police and with private and voluntary sector partners in order to manage offenders safely and effectively. The NPS is split into a number of different geographical divisions. The NPS-London covers the London Division. Offenders in custody and in the community are at elevated risk of suicide. NPS-London are committed to exploring effective ways to reduce the risk of suicide by vulnerable offenders. Our work takes into account and supports the Government’s strategy Preventing Suicide in England.

Our work in suicide prevention

Offenders on probation and in custody are at elevated risk of suicide. Therefore we are working with one of the high risk groups mentioned in point one of the NSPA declaration. NPS-London staff have a key role in identifying, assessing and managing indicators of risk to self. If the offender is in the community this will include immediate crisis support as well as identifying collaboratively longer term sources of support. If the individual is in custody this will involve alerting the relevant custodial establishment of risk to self concerns in order that appropriate support can be offered to reduce the risk of self-inflicted death. Pre and Post release it also includes management planning which takes into account any risk to self issues. We are therefore actively working to encourage those individuals to seek help when experiencing emotional distress. This also addresses point 2 on the NSPA declaration.

Staff have an essential role to play in signposting offenders and victims to support organisations for those bereaved or affected by suicide. This links with point 4 of the NSPA declaration. NPS-London provide a two day training on suicide prevention to staff this contributes to point 5 on the NSPA declaration. Point 6 is addressed through supporting research and local initiatives. Point 7 is addressed via the NPS-London suicide prevention forum and the NPS-London Suicide Prevention Action Plan. This aims to reduce the number of potentially preventable self-inflicted deaths of offenders under NPS-London supervision by the implementation of a series of objectives. The action plan is designed to increase awareness and understanding of the issue across the organisation, provide comprehensive support and guidance to staff working with this issue, and to promote effective monitoring and research in order to support new learning

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Our current priorities

We will maintain a multi-disciplinary working group (NPS-London Suicide Prevention Forum) to develop and implement a suicide prevention action plan

The purpose of the suicide prevention forum is develop a strategic awareness, organisational overview and understanding of practice issues in relation to self-inflicted deaths completed whilst on supervision with NPS-London. The aim of the forum is to develop policy and guidance for NPS-London staff to minimise and reduce risks associated with suicide and intentional self-injury and to reduce the number of self-inflicted deaths under supervision. The forum also aims develop guidance in relation to supporting staff affected by the deaths of offenders whilst under supervision. The forum meets a minimum of five occasions per annum.

We will design & deliver Suicide and Intentional Self-Injury Awareness Training to NPS-London staff across NPS-London. Continue to deliver and regularly update specific two day suicide prevention training programme to disseminate new research findings, policy and practice guidance. The training is accessible to all NPS-London staff.

We will establish effective systems for dissemination of suicide prevention information using information technology. Organise and publicise relevant awareness campaigns e.g. World Suicide Prevention Day and Self-Injury Awareness Day. Make available to NPS-London staff relevant information to support suicide prevention work.

We will contribute to the National Suicide Prevention Strategy by undertaking/supporting research into the underlying causes of suicide and ISI in the NPS-London offender population. Undertake and support research on suicide risk and intentional self-injury in NPS-London offenders through supporting collaborative working with relevant universities and properly interested parties. To utilise deaths under supervision information to inform future practice.

We will introduce and establish Approved Premises Suicide Prevention Champions in Approved Premises in London. Approved Premises offer residential provision to selected high risk offenders in order to provide enhanced levels of protection to the public and reduce the likelihood of further offending. The London Approved Premises Suicide Prevention Champion (APSPC) role is considered pivotal in preventing self-inflicted deaths within Approved Premises (AP). It supports the implementation of actions and requirements outlined in the National Approved Premises Manual (2011) and the NPS-London Approved Premises Reducing Self-Inflicted Deaths Strategy-Action Plan (2013-20

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Our current challenges

The NPS was established on the 1st June 2014 and as such is a newly developing organisation. The move from being a localised trust to a national service has resulted in significant change and ongoing negotiation. This includes challenges in relation to information technology, training, and developing new relationships with Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC’s) and ultimately post share sale with private providers. The move to a national service may mean less opportunity to locally implement relevant strategy action plans which are not centrally devised by the NPS.

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