National Support Network CIC

National Support Network (‘NSN’) provide the Support Hub directory to organisations.

Support Hub offers a free online portal that connects people to information on support services, quickly and easily. It helps anyone, anywhere in the UK facing any problem.

Once someone completes a search, they will be able to see available support options in one place, filter results, and connect with support directly through the portal.

The portal was developed collaboratively involving hundreds of people across the UK and is continually co-created and updated.

How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?

We assist companies in signposting customers or employees in need to support services. Our signposting spans all life areas such as health, housing, money and relationship problems. This is in addition to mental health and support for suicidal feelings as many other problems can easily snowball in someone’s life ultimately leading to crisis point.

What are your current priorities?

11.8 million people in the UK struggle to find support and 2 in 5 will delay or give up looking. We want to change that by providing companies with the tools required to connect customers or employees in need to trusted support.