
PeerTalk provides peer support groups for adults over 18 experiencing depression, anxiety and other related distress.

The support group meetings occur on a weekly basis at most of our locations. They are free to attend, there is no booking or referral required. Facilitated by two trained volunteers, the non-judgemental meeting space provides a safe environment for attendees to share their struggles. The advice and coping skills come from other attendees who may well have had similar experiences.

There is a robust safeguarding policy in place to protect those who attend. The meetings are entirely confidential, and our volunteers are trained to signpost attendees to further support where necessary.

How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?

PeerTalk offers facilitated peer support groups and these groups are safe spaces where attendees can talk about the difficulties they face, without being judged. Giving attendees the space to express how they feel is important. Our role as facilitators is to show they have been heard and then to facilitate the support of the individual from other attendees. We do this within a safe, boundaried framework, supported by a robust safeguarding policy and procedure. The space also supports those affected by suicide by also offering them the space to express what they are facing, in a supportive environment.

What are your current priorities?

Keeping the charity financially stable so that we can continue to offer this support and increase it, offering more groups in more areas.

What challenges are you currently facing?

We were fortunate enough to receive a grant from the government’s VCSE Suicide Prevention Grant Fund last year, which reflects and endorses the valuable work we do in this field, but to continue our work we need a stable source of funding.