Penhaligon’s Friends
Penhaligon’s Friends is a charity and provides post bereavement support to children, young people and their families in Cornwall. We have been established for 25 years with a staff team of 9, and 70 volunteers. We provide telephone support and advice, resources, support groups, 1-1 sessions, training and Memory Days. We supported 875 children and young people last year.
How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?
Our charity supports children, young people and their families following bereavement, and specifically those bereaved by suicide. We are able to contact immediately following a death and our support is ongoing for as long as necessary. We have a strong reputation and are well recognised in the county. We are members of the Multi Agency Suicide Prevention Group in Cornwall, chaired by Public Health.
What are your current priorities?
Penhaligon’s Friends have just been commissioned by NHSE to provide our vital support to children and young people bereaved by suicide and we are developing a collaborative approach with the Suicide Liaison Service here in Cornwall to develop an all age pathway for families bereaved through suicide.
What challenges are you currently facing?
We are developing ongoing ways of supporting children and young people remotely during the current pandemic to ensure that children continue to have access to support, particularly with higher death rates.