Public Health Devon

Public Health Devon has been part of Devon County Council since 2013, when most public health functions were made the responsibility of local authorities. The Public Health vision is for everyone in Devon to live as healthy and fulfilling life as possible, in strong supportive communities. The overarching aims of Public Health Devon are to improve health and wellbeing for everyone in Devon and to narrow health inequalities, which we will achieve by making the best possible use of funding to deliver effective public health services that support health and target the most disadvantaged, as well as maximising our influence across a wide range of partners, including the health and care system

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Our work in suicide prevention

Suicide Prevention is everyone’s business. The Local Authority has a responsibility to produce and deliver an annual action plan to prevent suicide, and they do this in partnership with health, blue light and statutory services, and the voluntary sector and communities. Public Health Devon takes the lead on suicide prevention on behalf of Devon County Council, facilitating a strategic group to oversee delivery of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Public Health Devon works closely with others to deliver activities and share learning, including colleagues in neighbouring public health teams, in local mental health trusts, as well as regional and nationally with Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, NHS England, NCISH, the national Suicide Prevention Programme and other key stakeholders working in suicide prevention and related fields.

A copy of the current Devon County Council Suicide Prevention Plan which details local needs, current funding and projects, as well as priorities for action can be found on the Devon Health and Wellbeing website.

Work will begin shortly to further develop the public facing profile of suicide prevention in Devon to ensure information is available locally for people, communities, professionals, and services to access when they need it. This will include local strategies, training offers, support and bereavement services as well as links to other relevant local and national services.

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Our current priorities

Devon County Council continues to adopt the seven priority areas of the National Suicide Prevention strategy, as well as the priorities for short-term action identified by the Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group.

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Our current challenges

Building on the foundations of the Devon County Council Suicide Prevention Strategic Group and expanding membership to ensure the best placed people and organisations are enabled to lead on specific priority areas, rather than Public Health Devon taking the lead in all areas.

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