Shropshire MHS

Shropshire MHS is a mental health charity, we provide a range of services for people experiencing mental or emotional distress. We have recently set up a bereavement service providing practical and emotional support to people living in Shropshire who have been affected by a sudden unexplained death or suicide.

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Our work in suicide prevention

We provide direct support to people affected by suicide and sudden unexplained death, thereby also aiming to prevent suicide in this at-risk group. We are part of the Shropshire suicide prevention action group. The organisation as a whole provides support around mental health and wellbeing, which includes suicide prevention work.

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Our current priorities

The suicide bereavement service began in February 2021, so current priorities are ensuring that the service is fully established and accessible, and establishing a real time surveillance (RTS) system to provide accurate and swift intelligence to be able to connect with those affected.

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Our current challenges