Suicide Bereavement UK
Suicide Bereavement UK conducts suicide bereavement research, provides consultancy on postvention and develops and delivers evidence-based suicide bereavement training. The team have considerable experience working in this field and have a unique skill set, which enables them to be considered leaders in this newly developing field in the UK.
How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?
Suicide Bereavement UK’s vision has three core goals:
To conduct suicide bereavement research that will help to advance understanding, increase awareness, reduce stigma and influence policy and practice;
To develop and deliver evidence-based suicide bereavement training that will increase knowledge, confidence and skills on how to respond to those bereaved by suicide;
To create a hub where knowledge, expertise and good practice can be shared and disseminated through consultancy and the Suicide Bereavement UK national annual suicide bereavement conference.
What are your current priorities?
Host 5th national annual suicide bereavement conference 28th September
The annual conference is a collaboration between Suicide Bereavement UK and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. The event highlights how suicide bereavement is a key aspect of suicide prevention and shares key developments in this field. It also provides a platform whereby individuals can network, share information, learn from each other and share good practice in this newly developing field in the UK.
What challenges are you currently facing?
Funding is a key issue. Suicide Bereavement UK is in its infancy and has been set up in direct response to the difficulties securing funding to conduct suicide bereavement research via traditional sources.