The Bipolar Lift

The Bipolar Lift is dedicated to supporting people living with bipolar disorder and their families. They focus on improving health and wellbeing by offering emotional and practical help. This includes services like one-to-one and group therapy sessions, nature walks, excursions, and guidance on managing personal finances.

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Our work in suicide prevention

We focus on helping individuals regain control of their lives by addressing key areas of their wellbeing. Each person receives a personalised care plan to ensure their unique needs are met. Based in Nottingham, the organisation offers in-person support to local residents and telephone support nationwide. Founded by Imran Akram, who has personal experience with bipolar disorder, the organisational meets a vital need in the community.

A variety of services are available, including: individualised one-on-one sessions covering benefits; welfare, PIP, and employment support; supportive group sessions; gentle walks; and exploratory visits to places of interest.

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Our current priorities

To continue developing care plans for people who need it, ensuring that our telephone service is staffed, and that our one-to-one sessions are available at short notice.

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Our current challenges

Financial challenges. We need to secure additional funding to meet the increasing demand.

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