The Coroners’ Courts Support Service

Our trained volunteers deliver the Service in 44 Coroners Areas across England and Wales, supporting bereaved families, witnesses and others attending Inquests. The volunteers offer emotional and practical support, explaining the remit and procedures of the Inquest, informing people of their rights within this daunting environment.

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Our work in suicide prevention

Our National Helpline offers this support at a much earlier stage of the Inquest process, often soon after the death has occurred. Therefore, by the time people attend the Inquest they have a much better understanding of the process and remit of the Inquest.

The compassion, expertise, care and commitment of our staff and volunteers enables all family members and others who are having to come to terms with the death of a loved one and those who have witnessed a death, to be more able to prepare for the ordeal of an Inquest.

We also sign-post people to other organisations for on-going support.

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Our current priorities

The Coroners’ Courts Support Service is working hard to raise awareness of the impact a death by suicide can have on bereaved families and others attending an Inquest. Our staff and volunteers have specific training on the impact of suicide and the risk of suicide, attempted suicide and self harm to those affected by suicide themselves. Volunteers are encouraged to signpost people to appropriate organisations for longer term support.

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Our current challenges

Ensuring people are aware of our Services and how to access them.

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