The Listening Place
The Listening Place provides those who feel life is no longer worth living with a safe place to come and talk freely and confidentially to warm, non-judgemental volunteers who are willing to engage with their feelings and support them through their darkest times. TLP provides an appointment service for sustained face-to-face support. Referrals from people having suicidal thoughts can be made via our website.
How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?
Trained volunteers provide on-going face to face support for people with chronic suicidal feelings. Our volunteers are assisted by mental health professionals. Our advisory team of leading professionals provide supervision, on-going training and practical advice.
What are your current priorities?
1. We will support more people across London who feel life is no longer worth living.
We will provide free, face to face, on-going support by appointment delivered by carefully trained and selected volunteers, working in a supportive environment backed by mental health professionals.
2. We will collaborate to improve the way people who have suicidal thoughts are cared for across the UK.
As a unique but young service we are proud of the impact our model delivers. We will seek to collaborate with other providers and key decision-makers to improve care and support, wherever and by whomever it is delivered.
3. We will manage our charity as effectively and efficiently as possible whilst maintaining our strong outcomes.
To deliver our strategic plan, we will invest in four key areas of the charity: our people, our fundraising, our property portfolio and our communications.
What challenges are you currently facing?
1. Lack of space
2. Rate of growth