Turning Point Hammersmith & Fulham
The Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service at Turning Point Hammersmith & Fulham is a place where you can get real and practical help to manage your problematic use of drugs and alcohol. We provide services ranging from one to one key working, to group work, prescribing and access to in-patient options. Our team will support you to build a treatment plan based on your circumstances.
We also provide specialist support for the friends and family of drug users as well as targeted services for women. We operate from sites across Central London and also provide online services.

Our work in suicide prevention
We support individuals affected substance misuse and mental health difficulties, alongside the isolation these issues may bring, working in conjunction with partner agencies and support services to safeguard and minimise risk. We continue to maintain awareness of substance misuse as a key risk factor in suicidal risk and ideation and work as a key community support service to address this on a local level.

Our current priorities
Increasing access to substance misuse, healthcare, housing and psychological support in the community. This includes provision of family and friends support, meaningful activities and groups for reduction of isolation and partnership working for a multi-agency approach to care, support and risk management.

Our current challenges
Increased mental health trends and difficulties, sometimes exacerbated by substance misuse trends.