UK Debt Service

UK Debt Service works with trusted third parties who specialise in helping people to find a solution to overcome problem debt in the general public. Our advisers listen and help customer to explore the options available based on their individual circumstances to see which debt solution are most appropriate.

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Our work in suicide prevention

At UK Debt Service, our agents on a daily basis speak on the telephone with many vulnerable customers who have a mental health and debt problem. Unfortunately, we do receive calls where customers state suicidal intentions as a result of the financial and mental health burden they are experiencing.

We address suicide prevention through multiple initiatives designed to support both our staff and customers. Our company psychologist provides innovative mental health and suicide prevention training for all staff and agents, ensuring they are equipped to handle sensitive situations.

Clear company policies guide agents on managing vulnerable customers and conducting conversations with individuals expressing suicidal intent. After such conversations, debriefing sessions are offered by our psychologist to provide support to agents.

We have developed an out-of-hours chatbot to assist customers visiting our website and social media during vulnerable evening hours, offering reassurance, booking appointments, and signposting them to blogs, resources, and services.

We collaborate with the National Support Network, granting staff and customers access to a comprehensive support hub and directory of external services, including helplines and self-help resources. We are also registered with the Vulnerability Registration Service to ensure the fair treatment of vulnerable individuals within financial services

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Our current priorities

-To continue to be abreast of legislation, policies, and practices to ensure our staff and documentation is fully update and aligned of all changes and requirements. Attendance of regular suicide awareness events and talk to vulnerable adults’ workshops will be of value and will allow us to continue to develop and deliver our training to staff.

-To develop dedicated mental health and debt support pages on our website which contains useful information on the topic as well as a ‘coping with suicidal thoughts’ booklet and a ‘how to support someone who feels suicidal’ booklet for family and peers.

-To continue working on our new research collaboration with the Centre for Mental Health Research, where we are producing a project funding bid proposal which aims to research and develop key briefings to support people affected by problem debt and significant risk of mental health issues.

-To continue to work with like-minded organisations and individuals.

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Our current challenges

There needs to be more regulatory guidance by our industry regulators (The Financial Conduct Authority), which equips companies like us to meet people’s needs, whilst reducing suicide and pursuing equality, social justice, and good mental health for all.

The rise in customers either seeking mental health and debt support or presenting in distress has had an impact on our staff in terms of their knowledge and confidence. Therefore, we need to ensure that colleagues, managers and company directors have the awareness and skillset to support customers and one another appropriately, and that they feel supported by the regulators and other financial industry leaders in doing this.

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