WASP – Workplace Awareness of Suicide Prevention
We’re driving a mission to improve awareness of workplace suicides and invite legislative change making it a legal requirement for all organisations in the UK to have a policy on suicide. Our mission is to equip the nation’s workforce so they have the empathy, skills, resources and confidence to recognise and positively respond to any person who may be expressing suicidal thoughts or feelings.

Our work in suicide prevention
Our efforts are focused on building a community of businesses and organisations that actively promote suicide awareness and prevention. This includes providing a free template suicide awareness policy to support businesses in addressing this critical issue. Work is also underway to enhance the evidence base surrounding workplace suicide, aiming to inform more effective interventions. Advocacy for legislative change is a key priority, seeking to mandate all businesses to adopt a focus and policy on suicide. Additionally, there is a drive to influence the Health and Safety Executive to record deaths by suicide occurring on workplace premises, fostering greater accountability and awareness.

Our current priorities
Rolling out our template suicide awareness policy to as many businesses as possible, and campaigning for changes to HSE death recording rules.

Our current challenges
We are still in the process of starting up so our current priority is to build a base of support and grow our network.