Cost of Living Online Discussion Notes

From November 2022, NSPA Members are meeting monthly to discuss the impact of cost of living increases on suicide prevention. This page features the notes from each discussion outlining the challenges our members and the people they support are facing, and sharing potential tools and solutions.

What impacts of the cost-of-living increases are we seeing in suicide prevention?

These documents are a resource for anyone working in suicide prevention. They are key points from member-only small group discussions on the impact that cost of living increases are having on your work. This could be the impact on suicide rates, how people with suicidal ideation are presenting, how treatment is shifting as well as the impact on staffing, volunteers and the suicide prevention industry.

We know that collaboration and sharing best practice is an important part of saving lives lost to suicide and we’re proud to facilitate these discussions amongst NSPA members and lived experience influencers.

For more information on the next discussion and to book, CLICK HERE.

Notes from 2022 Discussions

Nov 23rd 2022 & 8th December: Notes from Discussion on the broad impacts of cost of living increases on suicide prevention work

July 2022: Notes from Discussion on the call for evidence for the new Suicide Prevention Plan