PAM Wellbeing

PAM wellbeing provides emotional support and information services to over 150 public sector organisations. We have many years’ experience in workplace mental health and wellbeing, supporting organisations with their employees mental health and wellbeing.

Our services support employees with practical and emotional tools to be able to better manage all areas of their lives, providing both pro-active and reactive workplace mental health and wellbeing solutions that are designed to create long-lasting results.

Our team of skilled clinicians obtain continuous development opportunities enabling progressive delivery of a comprehensive range of high-quality services throughout the UK in which we support over two million individuals. Our services are delivered via a bespoke combination of on-site staff, remote services, and face-to-face services utilising a UK wide network of PAM clinics.

How does your organisation contribute to preventing suicide and supporting those affected by it?

Our services support individuals who have access to our services with practical and emotional tools to be able to better manage all areas of their lives, providing both proactive and reactive workplace mental health and wellbeing solutions that are designed to create long-lasting results. We support over 1 million users in the UK, and this continues to grow.

The services we provide include 24/7/365 helpline support including access to practical information services, in the moment counselling support, access to short term structured counselling and psychological services. We provide prompt access to qualified counsellors who are trained to manage risk and effectively safeguard individuals. We work with individuals to understand their needs and map suitable pathways for support.

Within our wider capability we also offer training workshops and webinars on suicide awareness, mental health awareness and a wide range of other mental health topics.

What are your current priorities?

Our mission to is help organisations and their people thrive, by providing proactive and reactive mental health solutions. To support in restoring the mental health of our nation. Our priority in regard to our end service users is to continue to provide relevant, high quality, accessible and effective mental health support to best meet their individual needs.

What challenges are you currently facing?

Given the current socioeconomic challenges faced in the UK, the challenges we are currently facing include the increased number of risk calls and the complex nature of the reasons people are contacting for support. We are mitigating this by increased resource, enhancement of our services and continued training/development of our staff to effectively support including via our internal training team.